Receiving a 炸弹威胁 Over the Phone

  1. Keep the caller on the line and attempt to get as much information as possible. Ask for the message to be repeated to confirm it. If possible, record the message.

    • When will the device go off?

    • Where the device is located (including floor)?

    • What the device looks like?

    • What exactly did the caller say?

    • Estimated sex and age of caller?

  2. Observe the caller's voice. Were there any 截然不同的ive characteristics of callers speech, 口音, or language? Note if the caller's voice was:

    • 平静
    • 大声
    • 口吃
    • 快速
    • 笑声
    • 伪装
    • 深呼吸
    • 口音
    • 口齿不清
    • 破解
    • 咳嗽
    • 紧张
    • 刺耳的
    • 愤怒的
    • 兴奋
    • 深的
    • 清理喉咙
    • 正常的
    • 截然不同的
    • 含糊不清
    • 衣衫褴褛的
    • speech impediment
    • 窃窃私语
    • familiar (if so, who did it sound like)?
  3. Listen for background noises. Background noises may give a clue as to the location of the caller.

    • 街上噪音
    • 动物的声音
    • 汽车的声音
    • 广播系统
    • 音乐
    • 陶器
    • 工厂的机器
    • 其他机械
    • 其他的声音
    • 房子的声音
    • 一点噪音也没有
    • 还有其他声音吗?
  4. Inform the caller that the building is occupied and the detonation of a bomb could result in death or serious injury to many innocent people.

  5. Immediately after the caller hangs up, 拨打911 and relay the information you received and have observed.

  6. If the device is on campus, call Public 安全 at 319-296-4234.

  7. If evacuation is required, gather all your belongings and leave the building in an orderly fashion and report to your designated emergency assembly point.

  8. Follow instructions of emergency services personnel.

Contact Information

Learn more about the Hawkeye Alert

Police / 火 / Medical / Suspicious Behavior


Hawkeye Public 安全


Hawkeye 警报 and Information

