作为未来的刑事司法专业人员, 学生需要在个人生活的各个方面都有良好的判断力, 专业, and scholastic interactions and activities; and must keep their records clean. 刑事司法组织要求对实习生进行背景调查, 志愿者服务基地, and employment; which will include adult and juvenile civil and criminal issues, 与警方的正式和非正式接触, 以及角色参考. 能否就业也取决于测谎的顺利完成, 信用检查, 心理评估.
Be aware that character counts and your behavior can sabotage your ability to graduate from this program and your ability to work in the field. 考虑一下你的行为和犯罪记录…….i.e. an OWI conviction indicates that you demonstrate poor judgment by drinking to excess and deciding to drive, 这可能会杀死或伤害你或其他人. Remember your personal behaviors (what you didn’t get caught for) will be revealed during the polygraph, and what you do privately (when no one is watching or supervising) speaks volumes as to the true content of one’s character.
- 获得超速罚单或违反安全规定.
- Acquiring a suspended driver’s license or citations for driving with a suspended license.
- Participating in underage drinking, using fake ID’s, or buying alcohol for underage persons.
- 使用或滥用处方药, 街头毒品, 俱乐部毒品(摇头丸), 大麻, 或者合成药物.
- 从事盗窃财产、货物或服务的.
- 重罪定罪.
- 家庭暴力定罪.
- 列入虐待登记名册(性犯罪者、虐待儿童/老人).
- Drug convictions, or history of drug use or abuse (methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, etc.)各机构(城市, 县, 状态, or federal) sets their own limits on 大麻 use from zero tolerance to a limited amount of use, 以及使用时间有多近的因素.
- 违反武器.
最终, criminal justice employers will rationalize your behavior by this criteria: If you know or reasonably believe an action is illegal or will cause harm then the best candidate will take responsibility, 展示自我控制, 不去做.
最后,雇主会要求我们的教员提供推荐信. 学生 need to know that full time faculty and adjunct faculty members are constantly formally and informally assessing students in terms of academic performance, 出席, 诚实, 专业, 社会技能, 成熟, 这样我们就可以在被问及时做出客观的评估. 你们的互动很重要,我们在这里指导你们.